man holding phone white using MacBook

Mic’d and Ready to Sell!

It may be true that the phone has always been one of, if not “thee” top tactical weapon in the salesperson’s arsenal.

And while that is still somewhat true, these days the set of communication tools available to any sales representative are light years beyond any thing our selling forefathers could of even dreamed of!

Of course, I speak of social media here.   But more specifically, video on social media for marketing yourself and your product.  And in many lines of sale, the incredible amount of “virtual” selling that is now possible by video call, Zoom, Teams and even a simple “screen share” tool such as CrankWheel!

If you expect to be a top performing sales rep in the 2020s (and beyond), this is no longer optional, you simply must master communicating effectively virtually, over forms of audio and certainly on video!

For a free consultation on how to maximize your message, contact us at Mic’d and Ready!

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Wyatt Everhart

Wyatt Everhart is an award winning broadcast meteorologist turned sales consultant and spokesperson. He is also host of soon to launch Mic'd and Ready podcast! Reach him directly anytime @WyattEverhart on X.