Welcome to the “Mic’d and Ready” World!

Welcome to world of the “Mic’d and Ready” – if you are looking to communicate what you have say more powerfully and across all platforms, you’ve landed in a great place! So who am I and what is the purpose of this website (and soon to be Podcast)? I’ll start out with a bit of background about me. In 2018, after (at that point) 20 years of broadcast meteorology, reporting, anchoring, and show hosting, I Read more…

woman in black shirt sitting on chair in front of woman in black shirt

Getting Mic’d and Ready for Your Presentation

Without any question, since that time when America and the world “locked down” for the Covid outbreak, the workplace, and by and large the way we often must communicate, has changed! In fact, as of 2024, even as there has been a partial shift “back to the office” for many, there is no denying that business related video calls, whether by Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams or just “iPhone to iPhone” have exploded in frequency AND Read more…

Communicating On a Personal Level, in a Virtual World!

There’s a true difference between delivering your message in person, and doing it over any type of remote technology. I learned this myself when I did my first “live hit” for television and a brand new weather broadcaster, fresh out of college, way back in the year 2000! (I’m pretty sure the old school “grunge band” Silverchair had a song about that year, but I digress)… The  bottom line was, I was already an “above Read more…

man in blue and white plaid dress shirt using macbook pro

Mic’d Up and Ready to Rock Remote Sales!

It may be true that the phone has always been one of, if not “thee” top tactical weapon in the salesperson’s arsenal. And while that is still somewhat true, these days the set of communication tools available to any sales representative are light years beyond any thing our selling forefathers could of even dreamed of! Of course, I speak of social media here.   But more specifically, video on social media for marketing yourself and your Read more…